

All Kuzma products share the same, no compromise design philosophy. Kuzma products deliver the highest quality of analog playback in a reliable and simple to use package

Theoretically making a great turntable and tonearm is simplicity itself but in practice many compromises must be made to reach “perfection”. Kuzma designs have evolved out of a response to solving these practical difficulties and from the strengths and limitations of the materials chosen.

Kuzma attempts to avoid cutting corners and avoid fashionable approaches and gimmicks which confuse the listener and do nothing to improve playback. That is not to say that Kuzma turntables and tonearms are for experts only, the team are very conscious of making products as easy to set up and use as possible.

Ready to get started?

Liquid Hi-Fi would like to invite you to see & hear our latest range of high end audio products. The sessions are no obligation and give you an exciting opportunity to discover how our brands can enhance the listening experience in your own home.

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